Solare Hemp | Products


Set the Next Big Culinary Trend

Solare Hemp™ is pushing boundaries in the fresh food space with new and exciting, edible, non-detectable cannabinoid hemp plants. Adding Solare Hemp™ to your menu will make you a culinary trendsetter and give you something new and exciting to talk about to attract patrons.

All the Nutritional Benefits without the High

Organically grown, certified fresh hemp packs a nutritional punch while maintaining a non-detectable THC threshold, so you get all the benefits without the high.

Solare Hemp™ plants are high in Alphas and Omegas and are scientifically shown to contain higher nutritional value than spinach and kale.

Citrus Hemp Herbs ™

Our signature Citrus Hemp Herbs are a fresh addition to any menu. The light and bright taste is rivaled only by its nutritional value. Try muddling them in a drink, or atop a unique salad.
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Umami Hemp Herbs ™

Umami Hemp Herbs are a yount hemp plant with a unique earthy taste that will add a punch of nutrition into your savory dishes. Try using them as a garnish, or to season dishes such as soups or salads.
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Zesty Hemp Herbs ™

Add these Zesty Hemp Herbs to your menu for salads, cocktails, or appetizers. They can be eaten raw, or mixed with other ingredients.
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Melon Hemp Herbs™

These young hemp plants are flavored with the essence of a melon. Extremely fragrant and delicious, your patrons will love them muddled in a drink, in a salad, or as a garnish.
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All Solare Hemp ™ plants are high in Alphas and Omegas, and depending on the variety, have flavors ranging from Citrusy to Earthy or Mushroomy across that spectrum. They are fantastic ingredients to add some pizzaz to any menu, whether it’s a kitchen, or a bar, or a household looking to add some excitement to their prepared items.

All Solare Hemp ™ plants are produced and tested in accordance with State and Federal regulations in the USA, and applicable local regulations in respective international locations.